
Friday, November 1, 2019

Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Daphne the Dolphin

Here is another reading comprehension worksheet that belongs to my large reading comprehension kit. This one features a dolphin named Daphne. The reading passage goes as follows:

Daphne is a dolphin. She lives in the ocean and she is very smart. Daphne and her friends love to jump in and out of the water! She likes to click, chirp and whistle when she is happy. Daphne eats a lot of small fish every day.

Here are the worksheets.

Reading comprehension worksheet - 2d grade, 3d grade - printable ESL resources

Reading comprehension passage - 2d grade, 3d grade - printable ESL resources

I use this short reading comprehension passage to help my students of the second and third grades develop their reading fluency. This passage also provides a good opportunity for a teacher to introduce new words related to animal sounds and actions. That is why I have designed 39 animal sounds flashcards and 56 animal actions flashcards. All these flashcards belong to the reading comprehension kit that includes more than 280 flashcards accompanying 11 reading passages and related worksheets.

Animal actions flashcards for English learners
The reading comprehension kit includes 56 flashcards to learn animals actions in English.

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