
Sunday, November 3, 2019

Reading Comprehension Worksheets: Short Word Stories

I shared some of my animal-related reading comprehension worksheets on social networks, and my fellow EFL and ESL teachers found them rather interesting. So I’d like to demonstrate another type of reading comprehension passages that I use for my English classes.

I love this trick when I ask early readers to read a relatively long and seemingly intimidating English text, and they suddenly realize they can easily read it and understand most of it. Their reaction is always very positive and they feel proud of their reading accomplishments. So I write these reading comprehension passages consisting only of short words (mostly three-letter words and a few four-letter words). I often use these passages with my elementary school students (first and second grade) as well as with older kids who struggle to learn English as a foreign language.

I have written six short-word reading comprehension passages so far. I call them short word stories. And I have recently decided to add some tasks and questions to the stories to turn simple texts into colorful printable worksheets that would be more appealing to elementary school children. Such reading comprehension worksheets definitely bring more fun to the classroom and encourage kids to further develop their English reading fluency.

So I have designed some printable worksheets that incorporate the following reading comprehension passages:

  • My Dad Is a Vet [78 words]
  • My Dad and My Pal Are Eating a Pie [88 words] (I use this one to teach the present continuous tense)
  • Can I Get a Pet? [88 words]
  • A Van for My Big Dog [115 words]
  • Can I Own a Van? [145 words]
  • An Ant Bit My Toe [291 words] (this one is good for teaching different meanings of the verb “get”)

I’d like to share a few reading comprehension worksheets based on my short word stories. So here they are:

Reading comprehension passage - printable ESL worksheet for elementary school
Reading comprehension passage "My Dad Is a Vet".

Printable reading comprehension worksheet for elementary school

Easy reading comprehension passage - printable ESL worksheet for elementary school
Reading comprehension passage "A Van for My Big Dog".

Printable reading comprehension worksheet for grade 2, grade 3

Easy reading comprehension for grade 2 and grade 3 - printable ESL worksheets
Reading comprehension passage "Can I Own a Van?"

Printable reading comprehension worksheet for ESL students in elementary school

Printable reading comprehension worksheet with questions and tasks

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